Study the Bible and practice Jesus’ commandments with the Follow Jesus app.

The app uses technology and gamification to make studying and understanding Christianity more convenient, simple, and effective. Discover a new path to God.

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Explanation of the Bible

Read the Bible using built-in explanations from theologians, professors, or artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence

Get explanations for any Bible verse from AI. AI explanations are:

Objective – AI analyzes the text without bias.

Clear – Complex ideas become accessible.

Concise – Brief interpretations of verses.

Detailed – Analysis of all hidden symbols and meanings.

Expert – AI leverages vast data: original texts in ancient languages, translations, cultural and historical contexts, theological commentaries, and more.


Bible quizzes, progress visualization and stats, quests to overcome sins, fasts with rewards and friends, leaderboards.


Study and discuss the Bible, engage in spiritual practices with other users and your friends


Get overall, weekly, monthly and yearly statistics and monitor your progress on Bible study, prayer and fasting practices

Prayers and fasts

Library of prayers and audio prayers in different languages and denominations. Prayer statistics and joint prayers with friends and groups